Tuesday, 18 November 2014

YotaPhone 2 to Debut at December 2

Dual screen e-ink display might be the future

Smart phones nowadays offer better softwares and greater performance variables but very little innovation has happened in how the smartphone looks or functions.

The YotaPhone 2 from Russia is set to change it all.

The YotaPhone has an LCD screen on side and an e-ink display on another. As we all are aware, the e-ink display consumes much less power than an LCD Display. This innovative phone can spell the start of a new generation of smart-phones that are smarter about consuming battery power.

Generation 1 of the YotaPhone was based on the same premise of the LCD and e-ink display. But it was flawed. The second generation of YotaPhone which has already been delivered to journalists as early as February 2014 looks promising and might herald the start of a revolution.

On December 3, the YotaPhone 2 will be unveiled to the world in London. The major innovation of the YotaPhone 2 is the touch-sensitive e-ink display (the e-ink display for YotaPhone 1 was not touch sensitive). The user can access many of the phone's core functions on the e-ink display, including making calls, writing texts, emails etc.

For many users, it might be possible to access the device entirely on the e-ink display without powering up the LCD screen.

We're looking forward to the YotaPhone 2 launch on December 3. Stay tuned to our blog for updates.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Viber Introduces Video Calls

You can now use Viber to make video calls.

Early this year, Viber was bought by Japan's e-commerce giant Rakuten. Since then it has spread its wings by implementing voice calling on mobile. Now it is outdoing itself by introducing video calling on its Android and iOS apps.

 Viber had previously offered video calling facility from its desktop apps, but this is the first time it is taking the plunge in the video calling on mobile space. Viber CEO Talmon Marco says that it took two years of work and testing to bring this experience to mobile. He says that while the service will support video calling on even the most basic connections, it is obvious that a weak signal will not product HD-videos.

Another new feature of Viber 5.0 introduced for Android and iOS is sharing of contact details through QR codes. If you meet someone new and you want to share contact details with you, you can simply scan their QR code using your phone.